CSR Principles

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Principles

In order to join ECMA, it is important that certain fundamental business principles are complied with. Please confirm that the following is correct:

  • Our company is not using child labour as this concept is interpreted by the International Labour Organization (see https://www.ilo.org/ipec/facts/lang–en/index.htm). In particular, we do not have children working in conditions that could be deemed to constitute the “worst forms of child labour” (Art. 3 of ILO Convention No 182) or “hazardous child labour” (Art. 3 of ILO Recommendation No 190).
  • Proof of age documentation for all workers is in place.
  • There is no forced, prison, bonded or involuntary labour taking place at our company.
  • There is no case of corruption or the use of bribery in our company.
  • Our company is not involved in severe environmental pollution, which is to be understood as pollution that is likely to spread widely from the site and where the effects will be very difficult or expensive to correct.
  • In our company workers are prevented from exposure to severe health or safety hazards, which are to be understood as health or safety hazards that are likely to pose an immediate risk of causing death or permanent injury or illness.
  • In our company a transparent and reliable system for records of working hours and wages for all workers is maintained.
  • In our company the worker is paid a wage equal to or exceeding the legal minimum wage.
  • In our company we provide accident insurance to all workers, covering medical treatment for work related accidents and compensation for work related accidents resulting in permanent disability.
  • Our company commits to respect all applicable European product rules as well as mandatory EN standards for products sold in the European Economic Area.
  • Our company does not discriminate between employees based on their gender without prejudice to any affirmative action programmes we may decide to introduce, where appropriate.