Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Candle consumption decreased significantly to approx. 756.000 tons in 2023 (-13,4 %, -117.000 tons). The value of the consumed candles decreased by 24,5 % (-615 million EUR) in the same period...
READ MORE10/10/2022
shows no association between candle use and risk of cardiovascular and respiratory events.
READ MORE04/07/2022
Not all plastics are equally suited for indoor candle containers. Highly flammable plastics are considered an unacceptable fire risk for indoor candles, even if explicit information warns of the risk.
READ MORE09/29/2020
The members of the Association of European Candle Manufacturers (AECM) and the European Candle Association (ECA) decided at their General Assembly meetings to join forces...
READ MORE01/17/2019
In December 2018, the Danish Environmental Protection Agency Miljøstyrelsen published a comprehensive research report [1] on their website that provides a number of important new findings...
READ MORE07/14/2015
This year AECM commissioned for the first time a consumer survey to the market research company ComRes. ComRes is a leading British research consultancy...